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Typhoidland in Bengaluru – (Post)colonial maladaptation

Designed with St John’s Medical College, our virtual exhibitions, maps, and games reconstruct the ongoing challenge of typhoid control in India, the long shadow of (post)colonial infrastructures, religious responses to disease threats, and the dangers and discrimination faced by manual scavenger communities.

(Post)colonial Typhoid in Bangalore

Bengaluru Virtual Exhibitions

Typhoid in Colonial Bangalore – Epidemics and Responses.

Discover how typhoid informed the design of (post)colonial Bangalore.

Fever Goddesses – Healing Mothers of Bengaluru

Explore Bengaluru’s rich faith-based approaches to conceptualising and responding to disease threats.

Sanitation Workers – The Backbone of Indian Sanitation Systems

Learn about the essential yet dangerous role of stigmatised manual scavenging communities in maintaining India’s sanitation infrastructure.

Interactive Learning

A Typhoid Tour of Bengaluru

Create your own avatar and take a virtual stroll through Bengaluru! Find and interact with the city’s historical and current inhabitants, sanitation workers, and public health workers. You are in for an adventure!

Colonial Typhoid Control in Bangalore

Join Suresh, a teenager from colonial Bangalore, on a journey through space and time and explore the many faces of typhoid fever in his city. Test your knowledge with our Postcard Quiz.