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Review of ‘Fear and Fever’ from the Irish Society for Archives

By Carly CollierDecember 16, 2024March 20th, 2025No Comments

Typhoidland’s graphic novel has received a glowing review from the Irish Society for Archives (ISA):

“Fear & Fever” (…) is a terrific homegrown contribution to the genre. Despite its brevity – it runs to just 30 pages – every panel packs a punch to tell a compelling story about the early days of public health medicine in Ireland. (…). The fact that the art is united here with scrupulous historical detail makes this book (…) entirely successful in its own right. Its publisher, Dublin City Library & Archive (a graphic novel first for an archives service in Ireland?) should be congratulated. When’s the next one?”

—Dr Ronan P. Kelly, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Library, ISA Newsletter Winter 2024.